Yesterday I had a stomach bug. That really sucked. You know, just in case I didn't have enough health problems. Thankfully, I am over it today. I hate puking.
Today I went with Mom to Southpoint Mall to do store checks. It was insanely hot and part of the all is outside. I had a good time but didn't feel 100% after the heat. I didn't find anything I fell in love with, but I have a lot of new 1 armed, swollen arm friendly clothes thanks to my wonderful mother!
I was ok for awhile but started feeling faint after dinner. We don't know what could have caused it, except maybe that I had a bit of a fever.
It really sucks because we are supposed to leave for the family beach trip on Saturday and stay for a week. It is supposed to be ridiculously hot and we know now that I just can't tolerate the heat. So I will be stuck in another house and the ultimatum was delivered that Lola absolutely can not come with us. I won't have internet and I can only read for so many hours a day. My mom said we could go to my grandmother's house in Charleston, but it is so hard when I have been looking forward to this trip for so long. This is the first time I've had the chance to go in 3 years. Bah
I just realized my readers might not know who Lo
la is. Lola Belle is a (now) 7 week old puppy (age is guesstimated) that showed up in our front yard. She is such a sweetie but has some spunk to her. Dixie absolutely adores her. I'm totally in love. I've been having a hard time feeling like I am a huge burden on my family and that I am pretty useless lately. I (and my family) seriously believe that Lola is in my life to give me something that depends on me totally (yes, Dixie does, but she is such a wonderful, self-sufficient dog AND she is also doing things for me as my assistance d
og). Thanks to Eric Velarde for the gorgeous picture! Visit his website HERE