The basics about me?
I'm a pre-vet student (until May anyways) hoping to eventually get into vet school. I work as a vet tech in a very diverse area and I love it.
I have 2 dogs, a Catahoula Leopard Dog and a chihuahua/corgi/yorkie/dachshund/godonlyknowswhat mix. I also have a cat that I hand raised who is a slight holy terror towards the rest of the world. All three are rescues, which I really support. I also support spay/neuter of all pets.
I judge people based on their animals. If you buy a doodle, oodle, shitpoo or any other crossbred, I will frown upon you. If you breed your animal and it isn't a champion show dog, I wouldn't recommend talking to me.
Animals are one of the main focuses in my life.
I seriously have the best friends ever. They have helped me through a lot and I love them for putting up with me.
I have asthma and allergies but I refuse to let that deter me from my passion.
I have 12 piercings and 4 tattoos and I love them all. No, I didn't get them to rebel, I got them because I like them.
I love watching football and college basketball. I was raised a Tarheel fan but saw the light and converted to the Wolfpack...who I love even in our bad years.
I don't really like country music.